Mr Tourettes view on The News of The World Ordeal!

It’s about f###ing time some one did something about these loud mouthed feckers!

Read all about it…Read all about! News of The World, News of The World!

They have this f###ing ability to suck(no sexual pun intended) people in for money and spit them out.

Now Mr f###ing Blaire; we hear, has been trying to get the whole f###ing thing stopped!(No f###ing surprise there) This man seems to be behind every dodgy deal none to man!

You f###ing name it, if he can feck some thing up he’s your f###ing man!

But the real question here must be: Who are the F###ing puppets and who’s F####ing pulling the strings? Messrs Murdoch & Co are a lot cleverer than any one f###ing gives the m credit for!

It’s like a f###ing Bond Movie! The World is not enough! 

There I’ve said my bit!



Posted in Blaire, Blaires' Legacy., Master wanker Spammers, Mr Tourettes View on The News of The World, People who do SPAM, The Labour Party | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Mr Tourettes’ Response To Those Thick fuckers Who Didn’t Read My Blog on Spam!


You will notice, there are no fucking excuses here for spammers. My message is fucking simple: Fuck off and do something for a fucking living. I don’t need any of your shit, neither does any one else!

You can’t be that f###ing intelligent, and I doubt you can even f####ing read!

Yours truly:

Mr Tourettes:(

Posted in Master wanker Spammers | Tagged | 19 Comments

Mr Tourettes’ View on: “Britain’s Got Talent” and other Shit Programmes!

  • Well what a load of f###ing shit!

It never ceases to f###ing amaze me where they get such a load of crap from.

Further more what the f#ck type of  people watch such shit?

Answer: All those f##kers who watch The Eurovision song contest! It must be. Even the stats are pretty much the f###ing same! Which leads me to think there is profit to be made. Lets face it Mr F###ingcowell would not be in it otherwise!

Then there’s f###ing Jordan!!! Who gives a flying f#ck about her?? Oh f#ck me it’s the same f###ing people who watch the  f###ing Eurovision song contest and Britain’s Got Talent!

I’m A F###ing Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! Another pile of shit! Wrong name for a f###ing start…”I’m a f###ing has been trying to get my life back, get me in there.”Should be the name! And who watches this shit? Eurovision Song Contest tw@s.

Americas’ Next Top Slapper! Well, the same has to be said….shit!

Britain’ Got F###ing Lezzers: Is the next f###ing show to come on our screens(not literally) What a load of crap!

And now they’ve got the f###ing ordasity to bring Big F###ing Brother back on, with two Irish tw@s! What a crock of shit

These f#ckers have obviously got too much f###ing time on their hands!

Plan: Every time a a f###ing programme of the said variety comes on; turn the box off. Go for a f###ing walk, shed some pounds! (Lets face it if you’re watching all this f###ing crap you’ll be as fat as f#ck)

Result: N.H.S problem sorted.

  • Ratings for all these f###ing crap programmes will drop, so they’ll have to put some proper shit on tele. Which will make paying for our license a bit more f###ing viable.
  • It will also reduce the amount of electricity we use at peak f###ing times, which will mean we don’t have to buy expensive f###ing electricity off France.
  • Job sorted. We wont have to spend billions on new Alternative Energy plants and f###ing wind farms

A friend of mine has decided to stop paying for her license by ddr. Instead she’s going to send a cheque that’s been photocopied twelve f###ing times and send a copy each month see how they like it!  F###ing genius.

Posted in Alternative energy, Blaires' Legacy., Criminals and other Low life, fuel, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness., The BBC | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Mr Tourettes view on The BBC and Swearing!

To swear or not f###ing swear?

That is the f###ing question!

What the f#ck is the BBC thinking of? They really are a bunch of tw@s!

Where has all the f###ing decency gone in our f###ing country?

I’ll f###ing tell you where it’s f###ing gone… With our our pride!

There’s nothing wrong with a f###ing good swear. As Mrs Tourettes will tell you (she’s always f###ing swearing) As for me; I’d rather f###ing not f###ing swear can’t see the f###ing point. As Grandpa Tourettes says. Swearing is a basic lack of f###ing vocabulary!

Do we always have f###ing resort to bad f###ing language? Especially using a word that can cause such f###ing offence? It seems so!

Any way what the f#ck happened to parental control and the f###ing off button. I suppose some tw@ has given teens human f###ing rights!

Lets be f###ing honest, more than half the crap on the box is repeats. Sky and f###ing Sky+ is the biggest rip off! So why do we f###ing bother? Because we a bunch of gullible tw@s!

Do you f###ing realise that most of our f###ing swear words are f###ing celtic! So is that why it’s called The”C” word? I don’t f##ing think so!

It seems to me that it’s f###ing cool to f###ing swear. I find it f###ing hard enough having tourettes and being f###ing byslexic.

So a word of advice to all those f#ckers who think it’s cool to f###ing swear: Stop being a load of f###ing cnuts!

I blame f###ing Blaire.

Posted in Blaire, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness., The BBC, The BBC and Swearing | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Mr Tourettes View On People Who Do SPAM!

SPAM, SPAM, eggs and SPAM…But I don’t like SPAM! We’ve got eggs beans chips and SPAM.

But I don’t like SPAM!!!!!!!

I thought I was the only sad f##cker who had time to waste on my f###ing Blog!

If I wanted f###ing Viagra or a cheap flight to eastern Europe, I’d f###ing search!

But oh no! It seems that I have a load of people who hale from the eastern part of f###ing Europe, and they seem to f###ing agree with me on most of what I say!( Which is f###ing worrisome) If that is the f###ing case, why do we seem to get all the f###ing scroungers.

It must be f###ing true then! They can’t make in their f####ing country, so they come here sign-on! F#ck nose( I know it’s spelt wrong. Could be a new type of vibrator) it’s hard enough here(no sexual conitation meant) with out lorry loads of scroungers as well.

Enoch Powell was f###ing right! I bet Lord Enoch is jumping up and f###ing down Shouting “I f###ing told you so, you f###ing shower of liberal twats”

So if you people who do SPAM think your in for free ride! As Mrs Thatcher might have said”Read My f###ing Lips & F#ck off”

If you people who do spam are so f###ing clever; why don’t you do something really clever and sort f###ing the economy out! Rather than try and rip the poor unsuspecting public off! First they offer you money for f###ing nothing, then they will try to convince you that you can a f###ing fortune if you do it right(that means paying them money up front)! Just don’t f###ing go there.

The amazing f###ing thing about f##ing spamtwats is; the more I write about them, the more shit they send! What part of “f#ck off” Don’t they understand?What makes me really spit my f####ing dummy out is: They have the f###ing ordasity to ask if I have a problem with Spam!

Since this f###ing Post was posted…guess what? I’ve had f###ing tons of shit in my SPAM! Everything from: Do I need pile cream to Viagra!


Posted in Blaire, Blaires' Legacy., Criminals and other Low life, Homeless, Master wanker Spammers, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness., Mr Tourettes' Guide To The Census, People who do SPAM | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Mr Tourettes’ view on the Euro-vision Song Contest.

I must be the only f###ing person in Europe who did not watch this pile of crap.

What the f#ck happened to Terry f###ing Wogan?

Since when did Northern Iraq become a member of Europe!?

Why are Jedward not dead?

More to the f###ing point why do we still participate? It’s a f###ing fix pure and simple, a waste of money!

I’ve seen more talent in the bottom of my f###ing bucket

I blame Tony Blaire, the waste of f###ing space!

Posted in Blaire, Criminals and other Low life, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness. | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Mr Tourettes’ View On Robbers and Other Low life Scum!

Well f#ck me! Another week has just begun and guess f###ing what! My brothers’ garage has been broken into. They’ve stolen his ride-on-mower, his Bar-B-Que and his garden furniture. Duly noted he reported it to the police at 08.30ish Saturday morning, to be told there’d be someone out with him within 2 f###ing hours! 19.30 they f###ing turn on the Sunday!!! To busy nicking people doing 33mph in a 30mph zone(good money there)

They are quite happy sat on their f###ing arses on the side of the road catching “Joe public” speeding a bit because the’re late for f###ing work!. Go and catch some f###ing proper criminals!

The f###ing British police force must take f###ing exam in “Stating The F###ing obvious”

The officer in charge of the scene informed my brother: ” There seems to have been a break in, and they seem to have entered the said garage via the hole in the door!” No shit Sherlock!

Report done and dusted off they go to their f###ing sty!

The strange fact here is, that my brother has worked f###ing hard for what he’s got! Then you get some f###ing toe rag thinks oh this rich f###er can afford it I’ll have that. He’ll claim on his insurance! The bastard should be f###ing shot along with all the other thieving f###ers. There’s no f###ing excuse. I think the Muslims might have a f###ing good point. If you steel something we’ll chop a hand off! That’s a f###ing good deterrent!

Our f###ing system is shit! If you steal something you can f###ing keep it! Because some f###ing lawyer suggested that possession is 9/10’s of the f###ing law. If you get caught you’re put in prison. What f###ing happens there? You’ll learn how to do the f###ing job properly! I reckon: Chop a hand off if you steal something. Molest a child they should cut their f###ing dick off and sow to their f###ing head. I could go on!

Drug dealers! Why are they allowed to deal on our f###ing streets? We’ve had the same f###ing bitch selling drugs to children and adults alike for 15 years!!! What do the f###ing police do? Absof###inglutly nothing! Apparently they’re are waiting for Mr Big! For 15 years! Don’t they understand Mr Big is not f###ing coming to a town like ours; he’s not f###ing stupid! Unlike the f###ing dicks who run our f###ing police force. They should cut a big “D” on their f###ing head. At least we’d all know who we’re living with. Oh but wait a f###ing minuet, we can’t do that, they’ve got human rights! Human f###ing rights? Bollox. If you break the f###ing law you shouldn’t have any f###ing human rights! It’s these f###ing P.C Euro Tw@s again! Talking about f###ing low lifes’ They’re the biggest bunch of f###ing gangsters! Who the f#ck voted for them? They did, them selves!

Then I’ve been watching a programme about our f###ing prison service. Did you know we give the f###ing criminals f###ing teles, table tennis and f###ing computers. I suppose so they can keep up with their f###ing under world and keep earning a f##king fortune selling drugs and shit.

Apparently they have HUMAN RIGHTS! Well excuse me; I thought their f###ing human rights went when they decided to brake the f###ing law. No one made them brake the law!

Now it has been brought to my f###ing attention that, they can even f###ing swear at the Old Bill. What the f#ck is that all about? I remember the good old days, that if the Old Bill caught you doing something, you’d get a f###ing slap, and if you told you mum and dad you’d get another f###ing good slap for getting f###ing caught! The Old Bill can’t even slap f###ing hand cuffs on these f#ckers unless they feel under threat!

May be the f###ing Judge that passed this obscenity thinks hand cuffs are for sexual f###ing pleasure only and the scum might get too aroused!

The question is : Who is paying for all this?…Us!

Solution: (Take note Mr Clarke!)

1.Shoot all the f###ing murderers, rapists and terrorists; ship all the other f#ckers off to an island off Shetland armed with a sheep and a f###ing fishing net.

2. Bring back treason. Forget places like Guantamano Bay! If any one is vaguely interested in getting rid of the HRH, send them on a nice holiday cruise and sink the f###ing boat …oops. We could blame it on some f###ing rogue “Uboat” they’ve being trying to get since 1946(sound familiar?) Come to think of why not invite all the Eurotw@s and bingo job f###ing done ( Sometimes I’m over shadowed by my own f###ing brilliance). The only problem would be who would crew said ship I hear you say! That’s f###ing simple. The f###ing scroungers who bleed our once Great country dry, scroungers. There’s f###ing loads of applicants in Rhyl for example! ( Yes I know, not every one is in the same boat!)

Now then another f###ing thing has just happened! Some f###ing low life has got my f###ing bank details and has f###ing fleased me of quite a lot of hard earned cash! The stupid f###ing bastards have gone shopping on-line and topped up their f###ing mobile phone…If you’re going to be a f###ing criminal…be a bit more f###ing clever! (we’re f###ing onto you! Fancy a boat ride:(



The We Are Then F###ing Blaires Legacy (Low Life!)




Posted in Blaires' Legacy., Criminals and other Low life, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness. | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Mr Tourettes Guide To Wearing The Bhurka!

For any one who doesn’t know what a f###ing Bhurka is: It’s one those long black dress type things that some of our ethnic friends wear ( from head to foot) They look like f###ing walking post boxes!

Having recently watched a programme on telly about how f###ing liberating they can be, you’ll be f###ing amazed to know that I’ve come up (sorry no sexual undertone meant just in case some p.c tw@ is reading this)with a f###ing great solution! Apparently they are quite liberating, women can wear what they f###ing like under them!!! The mind f####ing boggles!

There seems to be a problem with wearing the said Bhurka! People are worried and feel threatened by the appearance of people wearing these black, sometimes blue garments!

I must admit, Mrs Tourettes & I went to our f###ing  great capital a couple of years ago, and whilst on a tube four of these people got on. One said to the others. ” Does my bomb look big in this?” Or was it bum I don’t f###ing remember. I thought, “I’m f###ing off!” After all we are only simple f###ing country folk. What do we f###ing know!

Then I thought of the solution. F###ing inspirational I think you’ll agree!

Why don’t we all wear a  Bhurka! That would confuse the f#ck out of these f###ing terrorists.

Just a thought: It would sort terrorism out over night and sort out the spread of any flu type bugs, thus sorting out the N.H.S problem. I’m a f###ing genius!

But now I’ve just been f###ing informed, that they’re are not our f###ing  colonial friends but they are….  The Lizard People. A bunch of f###ing aliens wanting to take over our f###ing planet (No f###ing change there then!) and apparently if you ask them to hold a f###ing sink plunger, they become a f###ing Darlek!

Posted in Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness., Mr Tourettes Guide To The Budget, Mr Tourettes' Guide To The Census | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Mr Tourettes Response To Osama Bin Ladens’ Demise!

What the f#ck kept you!


How long did Pakistan now he was a resident? I can just see the f###ing estate agent taking Mr& Mrs Bin Laden around the said love nest. “I say, you’ve got f###ing familiar face. Love the beard and f###ing turban combo…….. cash that’ll do nicely!”

Apparently he wasn’t armed either! Well f###ing hell that’s a f###ing shame! Neither were all those innocents in the twin towers, just for example. All is fair in love and war!

If f###ing Blaire and Bush had done the same with Saddam Hussien would the world be in the mess it’s in!? Probably, but just think of the f###ing money we’d have saved $48trillion…..or there abouts. That’s about Americas’ debt! So not only did O.B.L. try to f###ing kill us through terror, he also tried to bankrupt the world in the process!

Now, can we please f###ing move on? No more f###ing programmes about how he’s dominated the world with terror. Just let the powers that be get on with the f###ing job!

I suppose we’ve got to wait for the next f###ing despot to take over!

Well Mr Blaire it’s never too late! All you need is a decent tan and a camel and you’re half way there.(Sorry you’ve already got the f###ing camel!)

Posted in Blaire, Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness. | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Mr Tourettes’ Prognosis of The AV System.

When I was  Master Tourettes in the early years of my life, I was told:  If you can’t win a game you not f###ing good enough! Now f#ck off and practise!

Now we’re being told by those f###ing Labour w#nkers: If we can’t win the vote by a system that’s been around for f###ing years we’ll f###ing cheat!

How many chances do they f###ing need to bankrupt our country both financially and morally?

In my view(and it’s only my view, if you don’t like my view then f#ck off) people should have one vote! Simple. If we have to vote for some other f###er who we didn’t want to vote for in the first place what is the point?

If we wanted to vote for them we f###ing would have done!

For f###s sake it’s hard enough to know who to vote for in the 1st place. If we start giving the populous 5 other f###ing  choices, what a right f###ing mess that will create. I can imagine Jeremy F###ingPaxman on “Vote Tonight” explaining  why the Monster Raving Looney Party are now in power! “The Populous all thought they’d have a f###ing laugh organised via Face Book”!

Now there’s a f###ing good idea!

Posted in Blaire, Blaires' Legacy., Mr Tourettes guide to fast food & Political correctness., Mr Tourettes' Guide To The Census | Tagged , , | 7 Comments