Mr Tourettes’ View on Mr Jeremy Clarkson and The Strikers/Unions!

Whilst I appreciate that most of public sector do an amazing job; some of them, however,  are there for the f###ing ride! They sit on their fat arses, do f@ck all and get paid a f####ing fortune for it! Just check out most of your council offices! A game they play is: Lets see how long this tray of filing can stay on my desk!

Some people in The Public Sector have no f###ing idea what it’s like to be self employed! They expect a salary increase every f###ing year, and a guaranteed pension at the end of their career!

Whilst the people who are in the Private Sector/self employed, probably only get an increase if they work hard and longer for it and a pension if they pay into one!

Yes I know it was their decision!

What I’m saying here is: Be f###ing grateful you’ve got a f###ing job, because there are f###ing millions out there would give their right f###ing arm for your place!

If you’ve read this much you’re doing well! 

Yes I know that the wankers….sorry Bankers have really bolloxed things up! and they’ve been bailed out of the shit more times than a pissed tramp; but its doesn’t make it right!

Whether we like it or f###ing  not our once great country is f#cked! We’re like the great cow being milked dry by every one!  As I keep saying in previous bits..It’s about time we f####ing off loaded the f###ing “dead wood” of this country and started looking after ourselves…it’s not a f###ing charity and it’s not a f###ing human right! You’ve got a job, things are f###ing tight out there!

Did Lord Clarkson mention that they should pay for the bullets?

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2 Responses to Mr Tourettes’ View on Mr Jeremy Clarkson and The Strikers/Unions!

  1. PA3291U says:

    i really pray that God is on my side with this job hunt. cause lord knows i need it

  2. Glad to read this blog! Keep it going!

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